Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Benefits of Sports for Youth

In class on February 21st, 2013, we talked about the benefits of sports for youth. In my opinion, I think sports for youth is good for many reasons. It helps them develop a good set of communication skills followed up with team work. It helps them start new friendships at a young age that could last a lifetime. It also helps them set personal goals for their future. It gives them a good insight on the meaning of competition and helps them realize that sometimes winning isn't everything. We can relate sports to everything we do in life, and its good for them to realize that at such a young age. I believe sports can mature someone from a young person to an adult.

Here is the list of the main benefits that were mentioned in class
  • Develops and maintains fitness
  • Preparation for adulthood
  • Opportunity to learn values
  • Teaches interactive skills
  • Produces opportunities for leadership
In my opinion, the world we live in today is not a very healthy society. So I strongly believe that developing and maintaining fitness is the best benefit you can get from participating in sports. Found on page 144 of Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies by  Jay Coakley, research shows that playing youth sports can enhance social and physical development, but it doesn't do this automatically, nor is it likely when programs are not organized to match the overall maturational level of the children who play in them.

Why do boys and girls participate in sports? (Top 5 reasons, ranked from most important to least, discussed in class)

  1. Competition
  2. Fitness
  3. Recognition
  4. Friends
  5. Parents
  1. Friends
  2. Parents
  3. Fitness
  4. Competition
  5. Recognition

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