Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Drug use in sports

On April 11, 2013 in my American Sport in the 21st Century class we discussed the topic of drug use in sports. We talked about the number of people addicted to drugs in the world which is approximately 22 million which is about 8% of the population. Since 1990, drug related deaths have increased by 540% . We talked about why athletes take drugs because of physiological, psychological, and social reasons.

Physiological Reasons                                         
  • Increase oxygen transport
  • Lose weight and train harder
  • To build muscle and increase energy
  • Mask injuries and reduce tardiness
Psychological Reasons
  • Increase motivation
  • To steady nerves
  • To increase aggression
Social Reasons
  • To win at all costs
  • Pressure to win from coaches, peers, and media
  • Belief that everyone is doing it
  • By winning they can earn big money
  • Fear of not winning
We also talked about how we felt about the use of steroids in baseball as well in other sports and how we felt about the players who use them. If we were to have the opportunity to choose if someone like Alex Rodriguez who used steroids, would we let him be in the Hall of Fame?

My opinion: I think that if you are an athlete and have cheated to make your way to the top then you don't deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. In my own opinion, I think that the use of steroids is cheating. I think that using steroids to enhance your ability is taking away from the game and the true meaning of what it takes to be a professional athlete and having the best athletes on the field. It takes true talent and skill to be a professional athlete, and it takes the use of steroids to destroy one. Cheaters never win.

Why shouldn't they take drugs?

Moral Reasons
  • Gives an unfair advantage
  • Undermines the true spirit or sport
  • Reflects badly on others
Legal Reasons
  • Against US law
  • Against the laws of sport
Role Modeling
  • Sets bad examples to others, especially young people who copy their heros and put their lives at risk
  • Gives sport a bad image and lowers its status
So then now one frequently asked question would be, what is being done??
  1. Strict, more rigorous and out of season testing
  2. More strict punishments and life bans
  3. Coordinated education programs for athletes and coaches which highlight the health and moral issues
  4. More money for increasingly efficient and effective test programs
  5. Unified policies about the issue

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