On April 2, 2013, in my American Sport in the 21st Century class, we discussed the topic of whether or not sports could survive without the media. In the world today, there really is no way that sports could survive without the media. We live in a technology ruled world now where technology is expanding. With the use of internet, televisions, smart phones, radios, etc, sports are able to be spread across the world because of these types of media. The media had changed the way that sports have evolved and are viewed.
Below is a list, that we came up with in class, of changes to sports as a direct result of increased media:
- Schedules and starting times
- Lengths of halftime periods
- Television timeouts (media timeouts)
- Expansions and formations of leagues
Media depends on sports, but not as much as sports depend on the media. Without sports, the media would not have as much to broadcast other than daily news, new movies, books, celebrities, politics, etc. There is a place for sports in the media, but if there was no sports, the media would still survive.
In Coakley's text on page 408-409 it states that most media do not depend on sports. This is especially true for magazines, books, radio, films, and the internet, although it is less true for newspaper and television. The internet does not depend on sports, but certain online services make money when sports fans use the internet to get up-to-the-minute scores, obtain insider information about particular events, participate in fantasy sports, place bets with offshore bookies, access coverage of events, and enter exclusive online chats about athletes, teams, and events.
Things that the media depends on from sports:
- Importance and prominence of sports programming
- Creation of sports specifically for TV
- Creation of TV networks (For example: ESPN, NFL Network)
- Import of sponsors
My opinion: I think that sports without the media would be impossible. Honestly, everyday I come home from classes, the first thing I do is watch ESPN or get online to check my ESPN Insider news. Why? Because I love sports and hearing about the athletes and being updated on everything. I am not the only one who watches sports on a daily basis. So without the media, how would sports be broadcasted? The only way you could find out about sports is if you were located near a professional team. I also participate in fantasy sports teams online just for fun. Twitter is a great type of media. It really helps the fans be able to interact with the athletes. Fans are able to follow certain athletes they choose and are able to see whats going on in their profession. The one thing that athletes need to be aware of is what they say on twitter because a lot of things could get them into trouble, or possibly even loose fans.
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